Monday, 15 June 2020



After all said and done, “there is light after the tunnel” Covid-19 is not all about negativity. Yes, do not give me that look, let me give you an insight to my personal perspective on the positivity of Covid-19 on the SDGs.

·         Digital investment will be on the rise as a measure for future back-up towards any epidemic or pandemic.

·         Reduced interest rate and costs of borrowing to boost investments and diversification (only if SMSEs will benefit more rather than the politicians and the elites)

·         Tax will be cuts to ameliorate the effects of the pandemic.

·         SDG 2, target 2.3 – 2.5 will see a turnaround while targets 2a-2c will be looked into which will have an effect on SDG 1.

·         SDG 5 has been proved to be effective (case of Taiwan, New Zealand, Iceland, Estonia and Germany) hence SDGs 4 and 3 will be on track. Let’s not forget that women comprise 70% of the world’s healthcare staff but only 25% of global leaders are female and without them, women’s issues could fail to be addressed throughout the crisis

·         SDG 6 has proven to be a powerful tool in the fight against Covid-19, I believe efforts are on the way to actualize it. 

·         Innovations (SDG 9) will drastically take a leap (through companies such as manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, health, sciences) which have a direct effect on SDG 3, and indirect effect on SDGs 1, 2 and 8, therefore, the youths should brace up and come up with sustainable innovations

·         SDG 10 proved itself with the case of India and USA and the Rich and Poor.

·         SDGs 12, 13, 14, 15 will receive the needed attention.

·         And above all we have seen that without SDG 17 all other SDGs can be achieved, just like Michael Jackson Said in his song titled “heal the world” the chorus goes thus “ heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race….. “

After all said, in line with agenda 2030, four steps should have been taken or put in place since the outbreak in china which are;

1.      Preparation (health facilities and equipment as well as resource personnel) , communication (training and information)

2.      Detection (from all points of entry), protection (isolation and quarantine) and treatment

3.      Reduction (reduce transmission particularly community mode)

4.      Innovate and learn (make shift isolation centers, trial drugs and vaccine)

During the outbreak, four steps should be taken by all.

1.      Political willingness.

2.      Behavioral change. (stay home safe, practice social distancing, start hygiene practices)

3.      Prevention (further spread apart from the ones under isolation and quarantine)

4.      Environmental/public health (think of others and yourself, maintain safety, good safety and hygiene practices)

5.      Capacity building (provide the needed PPEs by stockpiling and distribute appropriately).


Thank you for your time, stay safe, adopt behavioral change, and prevent the spread of covid-19.


Coronavirus pandemic:

Corona Virus-World Health Organization:

Obinna Ositadimma Oleribe et al: Before the Sustainable Development Goals; Why Nigeria Failed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, The Pan African Medical Journal ISSN 1937-8688.

Sustainable development goals, Knowledge platform:

UN working to fight covid-19 and achieve global goals: coronavirus pandemic data.

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