Tuesday 24 July 2018



The patients' bill of rights debate has been making rounds recently particularly after the unfortunate death of a beautiful and full of life corp member by the police, who was shot at on her way from work to celebrate with her friends that she has been retained. may her sins be forgiven and her soul rests in peace. Amin.

from stories making wave around, I think it is pertinent to bring to the knowledge of the people on the patients' bill of rights. Although these rights differ from country to country, I try to put down the basics of what the bill should be concerned about. However, there is room for amendments/modification but let us understand what it means first.

All patients should be guaranteed the following freedoms:

a. to seek consultation with the physician of their choice.
b. to contract with their physician on mutually agreeable terms.
c. to be treated confidentially with access to their records limited to those involved in their care or designated by the patient.
d. to use their own resources to purchase the care of their choice.
e. to refuse medical treatment even if it is recommended by their physician.
f. to be informed about their medical condition, the risks, and benefits of treatment and appropriate alternatives.
g. to refuse third-party interference in their medical care and to be confident that their actions in seeking or declining medical care will not result in the third party imposed penalties for patients or physicians.
h. to receive full disclosure of their insurance plan in plain language which includes;

  1.  contracts: a copy of the contract between the physician and healthcare plan and between the patient or employer and the plan.
  2. incentives: whether participating physicians are offered financial incentives to reduce treatment or ration care.
  3. cost: the full cost of the plan, including copayments, coinsurance and deductibles.
  4. coverage: benefits covered, excluded, including availability and location of 24-hour emergency care.
  5. qualifications: a roster and qualifications of participating physicians.
  6. approval procedures: the authorisation procedure for services whether doctors need the approval of a committee or any other individual and who decides what is medically necessary.
  7. referrals procedures for consulting a specialist and who must authorise the referral.
  8. appeals: grievance procedures for claim or treatment denials.
  9. GAG rule: whether physicians are subject to a gag rule, preventing criticism of the plan.
culled from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.

As it is, know about the patients' bill of right first then you can make your contributions when it is open for debate.

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